Sunday, July 1, 2012

"Our partnership may be ending, but two ships still sail: Friendship and Fellowship"

Today was spent in fellowship and worship with the three Port Antonio churches that have been in partnership with us for the past seven years.    This morning the youth sang and worshiped at Norwich church with Pastor Dayne Grant and about 10 church members.  Their youth shared a creative song for us and we spent some time visiting with them before we boarded the bus and traveled back into town to PABC for our second worship service.  The kids sang several songs there as well and we were all greatly touched by the worship service.  Did I mention that it lasted 2 hours and 15 minutes?  J   For those who have not had the privilege of worshipping with our churches in Jamaica, it’s hard to explain the joy and love that is they express for God, each other, and us.    After the long church service, the kids spent 45 minutes learning some new songs to sing with the PABC choir at tonight’s service.  They never complained, but let’s just say that they were REALLY READY for lunch and a cold drink!  

We spent some down time at the hotel this afternoon.  Most swam, some napped, and a few did both!

We returned to the church for dinner (all our meals there are prepared by the ladies of the church).   Then we experienced a special worship service to mark the official end of our partnership.  Or maybe a better interpretation is that we were CELEBRATING the seven years that we have shared.  As it was stated, we both have different pastors that seven years ago, and our churches have undergone change. But lasting friendships have been forged, and we have watched each other’s youth grow into young men and women and parents themselves.  Many lives have been touched by the projects and trips that we have participated in.  Over the years we have built, cleaned, painted, sung, led Vacation Bible School, led sports camps, landscaped, and been blessed to participate in many other activities in the Port Antonio area.    Many of these kids are returning for their second (and some third) trip, and they really understand the connection between our people.  

During the service we shared great music together!  Susan Deal spoke about our current mission projects, such as Soul Food, and Alan Jewell reflected on the seven years of partnership (Alan has participated in numerous projects and trips to the island).  We presented the church with a pottery chalice and communion tray and shared communion with them using bread that Cheryl Stalans baked for us to bring.  Christian, Katie Beth, and Jay assisted in serving communion, and after the celebration was over we gathered everyone together for a group picture.    

I’ll wrap up with a prayer that was a part of the worship service tonight:
We adore you for the Partnership shared over the years between the Port Antonio Circuit of Baptist Churches and the First Baptist Church in Dalton, Georgia.  For the lives transformed, renewed and affirmed, we adore you.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to all who have given so generously to remind those of us, here and there, that the past and the future are present in Christ. Thank you for reminding us of these wonderful people and their churches and the love they've shown us over the years. Together in Christ sharing His love.
